
Herbal Solidarity Survey

It’s been an amazing few years for the Solidarity Apothecary. From gifting comrades little care packages to making thousands of medicines for refugees in France and Poland/Ukraine. The project has been able to be responsive and needs-led, whether that’s distributing hundreds of packs at the start of the pandemic, or getting herbal first aid kits out to folks during uprisings and occupations. From small offerings to defendants and their families during court cases, to one to one in-depth support over several months, it’s been an absolute honour and privilege to organise herbalism as mutual aid. 

Now that I’ve welcomed my scrumptious son into the world, my capacity has radically changed. And there is a yearning for a more strategic and systematic approach beyond workaholism. I’d love your feedback on what this could look like!!! 

I’ve put together this survey – please feel free to contribute anonymously if preferred. You don’t have to answer every question but any feedback and input is welcomed! 

Please find the survey here.

Thanks so so much! 


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