This episode introduces the two bonuses as part of the Herbalism, PTSD and Traumatic Stress Course launching on Saturday 22nd March!
Links & resources from this episode
- Herbalism, PTSD and Traumatic Stress Course –
- Join the course waiting list –
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Music from Sole & DJ Pain – Battle of Humans | Plant illustrations by @amani_writes | In solidarity, please subscribe, rate & review this podcast wherever you listen.
Welcome to the Frontline Herbalism Podcast with your host Nicole Rose from the
Nicole:Solidarity Apothecary.
Nicole:This is your place for all things plants and
Nicole:Let's get started.
Nicole:Welcome back to the Frontline Herbalism
Nicole:I'm so sorry for disappearing for ages.
Nicole:Yeah, the whole family got a really bad virus and I lost my voice for like three weeks.
Nicole:I literally couldn't talk, couldn't sing my baby to sleep, nothing.
Nicole:It was very frustrating.
Nicole:Pretty much everyone I has been sick kind of
Nicole:no matter what their sort of baseline health was before.
Nicole:It just feels like there are all sorts of viruses around including the famous Covid and
Nicole:the new variants.
Nicole:But yeah, we kept testing negative for Covid
Nicole:but obviously we sort of stayed in the best we could and stuff and yeah, just, just rode it
Nicole:out with all the herbal things.
Nicole:It wasn't very fun seeing my baby sick.
Nicole:But yeah, he's a champion and he did really
Nicole:well and he's, yeah, back to himself now.
Nicole:So yeah, I just wanted to kind of say hello.
Nicole:I'm going to be publishing more content now as the herbalism PTSD and traumatic stress course
Nicole:is launching in like 12 days on the 22nd of March.
Nicole:By now I'd imagined doing like a bunch of shows every week, maybe another series and
Nicole:sending loads of newsletters and designing loads of things online.
Nicole:But I just, yeah, just haven't been able to.
Nicole:And I'm still kind of in this position where I'm pretty much like full time mum.
Nicole:I have help two afternoons a week for about an hour and a half each time.
Nicole:So yeah, there's not much time to podcast unfortunately and I do my best to write my
Nicole:Instagram captions and stuff when I'm napping.
Nicole:And yeah, I'm luckily still kind of got a
Nicole:backlog of like herbal things in the herb shed that I've been sending out in the herbal care
Nicole:And I've got amazing volunteers like someone called Ellie who's been sending out the
Nicole:prisoners herbal books.
Nicole:So it's awesome that the Solidarity Apothecary
Nicole:can kind of keep going through this sort of like maternity leave period.
Nicole:We're visiting a nursery next week and yeah, just to get some help a couple more mornings a
Nicole:week so that I have a little bit more capacity to organize and stuff.
Nicole:So yeah, okay.
Nicole:So I just wanted to announce a kind of inex,
Nicole:like two exciting bonuses with the Herbalism PTSD and Traumatic Stress course.
Nicole:And if you haven't heard about the course, I'm going to be recording an episode soon all
Nicole:about it in like A little bit more depth,
Nicole:kind of like an updated version.
Nicole:But, yeah, for anyone who is kind of interested in the course now and is kind of on
Nicole:the fence about it,
Nicole:I just want to share about two things that are, like, specific to this launch that are a
Nicole:bit of an experiment.
Nicole:So one is that I'm going to be having a kind of, like, lottery for people who join the
Nicole:waiting list at least one week before the course opens.
Nicole:So the waiting list is literally an email newsletter.
Nicole:It's not an obligation to buy the course by any means, but it's if you're interested in
Nicole:hearing about the course, you know, getting emailed when it launches, it just kind of
Nicole:gives me your consent to do that.
Nicole:And, yeah, I will then spam you for the period that the course is open, which is like two
Nicole:But, yeah, like, I'm trying to encourage people to sign up to this waiting list because
Nicole:it means that I know who's interested in the course and I have a bit of a feeling about how
Nicole:the kind of launch might go.
Nicole:But, yeah, I have created these amazing, like, nerds.
Nicole:Nervine sample kit.
Nicole:So a nervine is a herb with an affinity for
Nicole:the nervous system.
Nicole:And the course, like, really focuses on these
Nicole:different kinds of plants that can support people's nervous system and therefore support
Nicole:people experiencing and recovering from trauma.
Nicole:So, yeah, the kind of.
Nicole:The curated kit will include 10 different
Nicole:medicines and they'll be chosen by you out of a kind of list that I send you of plants that
Nicole:are featured in the course.
Nicole:So if you, for example, can't have tinctures, then you can opt in to have glycerites, which
Nicole:are like a fantastic alternative to alcohol.
Nicole:Or you might just want 10 different teas, for example.
Nicole:Or maybe you've tried glycerin and you don't like it and you just want tinctures.
Nicole:So, yeah, I'll kind of make it bespoke to you and it will include medicine that I've made
Nicole:myself from the land where I live.
Nicole:And if it's not something I've made myself, it
Nicole:will be from something I've made with, like, herbs from, like, a company like the Organic
Nicole:Herb Trading Company,
Nicole:for example, who are like a local company in Somerset where I am, who have only kind of
Nicole:organic and like, fair, wild certified herbs.
Nicole:So, yeah, and there'll be plants from the
Nicole:So it means that, like, when you're studying the content, you can then kind of, like,
Nicole:straight away, like, have an experience with that plant.
Nicole:Like, say, for example, you're reading about Lavender.
Nicole:You can then try some of this amazing infused lavender oil and yeah, kind of like instantly
Nicole:have that like tactile embodied experience with that plant if that makes sense.
Nicole:Because I know it's really difficult for people to like a, like afford medicine making
Nicole:ingredients, have the confidence to do it,
Nicole:have the skills to do it.
Nicole:Shameless plug.
Nicole:There's like one or two places left on my
Nicole:practical medicine making course in June.
Nicole:So if you do want an opportunity to learn all
Nicole:of those kind of like hands on skills, I do teach that.
Nicole:But yeah, I'm really excited.
Nicole:What will basically happen is if you join the
Nicole:waiting list now like within the next week I will get all your emails, put them into like a
Nicole:groovy kind of lottery system thing, software and then that just like randomly chooses five
Nicole:people and no matter where you are in the world,
Nicole:I will send you a little pack.
Nicole:I'm hoping not everyone is going to be like in
Nicole:the US or even worse on like mainland Europe because of customs.
Nicole:But I am committed to just.
Nicole:Yeah, whoever joins has an opportunity to.
Nicole:Yeah, to receive those herbs.
Nicole:And that's also like, that's not determined by
Nicole:So that's not just for people that are paying
Nicole:the standard price or the resource price, that's people who are accessing the course
Nicole:wherever they are on the sliding scale, including nothing, if that makes sense.
Nicole:Okay. And then the other bonus is a first day bonus.
Nicole:So for anyone who joins the course the very first day it opens, I'm going to do the same
Nicole:I'm going to take everyone's email and put them in the software and pick a lucky person
Nicole:who can have a free place on my practical medicine making course.
Nicole:So yeah, there are people on that course who are getting a free place already, who've
Nicole:applied for a subsidized place, for example.
Nicole:But yeah, I've also also set aside a place for
Nicole:someone from the herbalism and PTSD course to join us.
Nicole:Obviously that might not be possible for you if you're in like the so called United States
Nicole:for example, but maybe you know someone that could go on your behalf or you could move it
Nicole:to next year for example or yeah, whatever.
Nicole:But I just, yeah, I think it's like a nice exciting bonus again, a way to kind of like
Nicole:get a massive head start on herbalism in practice.
Nicole:So yeah, so that's for people who join on the first day and yeah, just I'm gonna record like
Nicole:I said, a separate episode all about the herbalism, PTSD and traumatic stress course.
Nicole:And yeah, I think, I think that's it for today.
Nicole:I'm so sorry for being absent.
Nicole:I'm gonna be sharing more episodes about sort
Nicole:of herbal support for trauma and.
Nicole:Yeah, and then once the course launch is over,
Nicole:I'm then gonna publish the Herbalism for Sustaining Resistance series, which has been
Nicole:kind of going on my Instagram,
Nicole:like, very popular of people learning about different herbs that support the immune
Nicole:system, for example.
Nicole:And then I'm going to do a series about state
Nicole:violence, like, kind of circling back to my Herbalism and State Violence book.
Nicole:And by that point, mid summer, I might have some more childcare, so I might finally be
Nicole:able to start doing interviews.
Nicole:Because like I've said before, I've got like a
Nicole:whole spreadsheet of people that I'm just dying to interview for this podcast.
Nicole:Like, there's so many people doing amazing herbalism work, amazing community organizing
Nicole:and mutual aid work that I would love to just showcase.
Nicole:So, yeah, watch this space.
Nicole:Anyway, thanks for your patience with me being
Nicole:I hope you're okay.
Nicole:It's sunny outside.
Nicole:I think spring is coming.
Nicole:I'm sure all the herbalists are happy.
Nicole:So, yeah, thanks for listening.
Nicole:Thanks so much for listening to the Frontline Herbalism podcast.
Nicole:You can find the transcript, the links, all the resources from the podcast.