In this episode, Nicole (she/her) shares all the offerings of the Solidarity Apothecary in 2025. Including courses, workshops, books, free resources and more.
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Welcome to the Frontline Herbalism Podcast with your host, Nicole Rose, from the
Nicole:Solidarity Apothecary.
Nicole:This is your place for all things plants and
Nicole:Let's get started.
Nicole:Welcome back to the Frontline Herbalism
Nicole:I thought before diving into the Herbs first Sustaining Resistance series and all the
Nicole:things, I'd just continue on with these, like, little announcement episodes.
Nicole:already done one, sharing the:Nicole:episod today about plans for:Nicole:and changing nappies.
Nicole:But I wanted to record an episode with all of
Nicole:the kind of offerings of the Solidarity Apothecary because I know sometimes they can
Nicole:be, you know, like, with anyone, and their project is hard to know.
Nicole:Like, all the things that are available.
Nicole:We all have our own sort of, like, ecosystems of things that are happening.
Nicole:And I just thought if everything was in the same place, it might be useful for folks.
Nicole:So I'll put a link in the show.
Nicole:Notes to a website post has got all this
Nicole:information and links to the various things specifically.
Nicole:So, yeah, I'm just gonna.
Nicole:I'm just gonna make this brief and I'm gonna
Nicole:dive in.
Nicole:So, yeah, just at the top.
Nicole:Solidarity Apothecary courses.
Nicole:So maybe you've heard if you followed this
Nicole:I talk a lot about this course, but the kind of, like, signature course that I run is this
Nicole:herbalism PTSD and traumatic stress course, which I launch once, sometimes twice a year.
Nicole:It is, like, with all of these offerings, by the way.
Nicole:It is like no one turned away for lack of funds.
Nicole:So it's like a complete sliding scale.
Nicole:People are welcome to access it for free if
Nicole:Otherwise there's like, yeah, different rates of pay for different folks, you know, who have
Nicole:different access to financial resources.
Nicole:But, yeah, there's like, a bunch of episodes
Nicole:on the kind of podcast history where I'm talking about the course.
Nicole:So you can check those out.
Nicole:It's basically got eight modules.
Nicole:It's exploring all about how trauma shapes the body, different kind of political frameworks
Nicole:around trauma.
Nicole:How do we collectively respond to trauma and
Nicole:traumatic stress?
Nicole:We. There's like a nervous system deep dive looking at kind of anatomy and physiology and
Nicole:various kind of nervous system states.
Nicole:And then, yeah, and then we introduce all the
Nicole:herbalism stuff to things about, you know, first steps in herbalism and medicine, making
Nicole:skills and safe foraging and stuff like that.
Nicole:But also this kind of real intense deep dive into plants called nervines, which are, like,
Nicole:nerves with an affinity for the nervous system, herbs.
Nicole:So all nerves have an affinity with the nervous system.
Nicole:Herbs with an affinity for the nervous system.
Nicole:And we look at different categories of those
Nicole:and yeah, each kind of plan is quite in depth with different kind of like focuses and
Nicole:traditional uses, but also, you know, different kind of articles and recent research
Nicole:around the plants and experiences from my time as a herbalist and my self experimentation.
Nicole:So yeah, it is coming from.
Nicole:I'm gonna launch it on the 22nd of March and
Nicole:I'm gonna close it on the 12th of April.
Nicole:So I don't normally publish the closing date
Nicole:because people will just end up buying it on the closing day.
Nicole:And it just causes like weeks of anxiety for me that haven't made any money.
Nicole:You know, just for transparency purpose.
Nicole:This course is what like basically funds my
Nicole:time and funds the apothecary.
Nicole:If you've ever done herbalism, you'll know that the costs are really expensive.
Nicole:Like little plastic bottles and glycerin and vodka and medic postage is eye watering for
Nicole:all the like thousands of prisoner books that we distribute.
Nicole:So yeah, it's.
Nicole:Yeah, it's a big fundraiser for this, for the
Nicole:Solidarity Pottery in general.
Nicole:So I really encourage you to join the waiting list so you can find a link to that on the
Nicole:course and like on the course kind of page.
Nicole:The waiting list means that I get like a
Nicole:flavor of how many people are interested in the course.
Nicole:But it also means that like you don't miss it because I only email my main user a few times
Nicole:about it and people regularly miss it and they're like, oh my God.
Nicole:And I'm like, sorry, I'm not going to open it till next year.
Nicole:So being on the waiting list just means that like, yeah, you have kind of access to it.
Nicole:Yeah. So that's the main course coming up this spring.
Nicole:I'm also teaching two face to face courses.
Nicole:These are the practical medicine making
Nicole:So they are three day courses, like completely
Nicole:I'm very grateful that no one's had Covid.
Nicole:Like no one's developed Covid from coming to
Nicole:the course.
Nicole:Like you'll see about that stuff in the
Nicole:welcome package.
Nicole:Um, but yeah, again like it's not completely.
Nicole:No one turned away for lack of funds.
Nicole:Like it, you know, there's like paid places
Nicole:that make the whole thing happen.
Nicole:Um, but I do on every course I give about a
Nicole:third of the places away to people who just kind of request them really, like who are on
Nicole:benefits, who are on super low incomes, who are struggling financially.
Nicole:Um, so yeah, if you are interested in kind of a free or subsidized place, you know, like
Nicole:maybe you can afford something but not the whole thing.
Nicole:Then please email
Nicole:otherwise I personally think it's still quite affordable.
Nicole:Yeah, it's like, you know, you can learn all the skills that can take you years and years
Nicole:to learn, like in three days.
Nicole:Like we literally do everything from tinctures
Nicole:to different kinds of glycerites to infused oils and ointments.
Nicole:Like, people just love it.
Nicole:And they literally come away with loads of
Nicole:confidence to make medicine and go on to, you know, volunteer with a clinic in Calais, for
Nicole:example, making medicine.
Nicole:So, yeah, I'm very proud of the course.
Nicole:It's tons of fun.
Nicole:Get to meet me and my man and our doggy and our baby.
Nicole:So people enjoy that.
Nicole:And yeah, it's on this beautiful small holding
Nicole:in Somerset.
Nicole:So, yeah, anyway, so the dates for those are
Nicole:the 16th to the 18th of May and the 13th to the 15th of June.
Nicole:I generally just email my newsletter list telling them when they're available to be
Nicole:And they tend to get booked like very quickly,
Nicole:like a week or so.
Nicole:So if you're interested, please join the
Nicole:newsletter list.
Nicole:I'll put the link in the show notes so again, you don't miss it.
Nicole:Okay. And then there's also various like free online herbal workshops or sliding scale
Nicole:So there's one about making herbal medicine
Nicole:with glycerin which is like a paid offering, but there's codes on the page if you need to
Nicole:access it for free.
Nicole:So this is all about, yeah, how to work with glycerin as an alternative to alcohol to make
Nicole:accessible medicine.
Nicole:Because not everyone in our communities can
Nicole:consume medicine with alcohol.
Nicole:So, yeah, I have experimented for years and how to make like effective, potent, strong
Nicole:And yeah, I can make them very quickly in like
Nicole:one to two days using a slow cooker.
Nicole:I talk about the ones that you don't use a slow cooker for that are best fresh, for
Nicole:And I talk about these as like warm and cold methods.
Nicole:So anyway, it's a very geeky offering, very focused on that one aspect of medicine making.
Nicole:But it's like, yeah, again, all the funds go towards the apothecary.
Nicole:And then, yeah, I have a bunch of like recordings of workshops that I've done like
Nicole:over the last few years.
Nicole:So there's one that was at the New York
Nicole:ate violence that was back in:Nicole:So that's just Like a general introduction to the solidarity apothecary.
Nicole:And like, what are the roles of herbalists and responding to state violence, you know, like,
Nicole:beyond just like being a street medic, for example, like, how can we show up for people
Nicole:in prison?
Nicole:How can we show up for communities that are, you know, traumatized by the state and
Nicole:capitalism, etc.
Nicole:There's also a free.
Nicole:And again, these are all accessible on the
Nicole:website for free.
Nicole:You can just, like sign up.
Nicole:There's one about herbalism, incarceration and abol.
Nicole:So this is all about how does, like, herbalism relate to kind of like abolitionist struggle
Nicole:and how does it relate to prisoners? You know, we have millions of people in prison
Nicole:across the world who are excluded from herbalism, who are experiencing really intense
Nicole:medical neglect.
Nicole:I literally just got off the phone from Farah, who I put an action alert for on my website,
Nicole:who's in prison, being denied cancer treatment, eating horrific food, like,
Nicole:terrified of dying.
Nicole:Um, and yeah, that's just like a terrain of struggle that we need to fight.
Nicole:So, yeah, please check out that workshop.
Nicole:There's also one that I did for folks from the
Nicole:kind of like, Stop Cop City struggle with a comrade called Cindy Milstein, anarchist
Nicole:Yeah, about state repression, trauma and the body.
Nicole:So that's looking at the role of kind of state repression in terms of PTSD and trauma and
Nicole:ways our bodies express distress and the role of solidarity and kind of mitigating some of
Nicole:that trauma and distress.
Nicole:And I haven't uploaded it yet, but the recent workshop I did with Railway Art Apothecary,
Nicole:who are amazing, who've been doing these workshops with me as like fundraisers, and
Nicole:this one raised like 500 quid or something, which is just so amazing, which will cover
Nicole:like a bunch of medicine making costs for Cali and stuff.
Nicole:So, yeah, that's herbalism and border violence.
Nicole:It shares all about the work with the mobile herbal clinic in France, working with people
Nicole:on the move and refugees and asylum seekers, as well as kind of other herbal, like,
Nicole:solidarity efforts that have taken place with folks in kind of like detention centers here.
Nicole:Sorry, I don't mean detention centers.
Nicole:I mean like my brain.
Nicole:It was like a camp in South Wales where people were held during the pandemic.
Nicole:But it wasn't the same as like a detention center, like a prison, if that makes sense.
Nicole:Anyway, and it also talks about Ukraine herbal solidarity as well.
Nicole:So, yeah, I will upload that soon.
Nicole:Yeah, the webpage shares about my herbal care packages, so I'm gonna do like a separate
Nicole:podcast episode about these soon.
Nicole:But if you go to the link, you can see that
Nicole:I've kind of like standardized some of the things I offer after years and years of just
Nicole:kind of like making individual blends for people or like sending very unique things.
Nicole:I'm just not in the kind of stage of my life right now, like being a kind of full time
Nicole:breastfeeding parent to, you know, have that many hours and that much support to kind of be
Nicole:in my shed.
Nicole:And Lee is so heavy.
Nicole:He is a chunky monkey.
Nicole:So it's like, yeah, I can't just have him in the harness while I'm doing herbal stuff as I
Nicole:dreamed about.
Nicole:But yeah, I've basically like refined these herbal care packages and I've made like
Nicole:explicit forms to kind of like our open source database.
Nicole:So people can yeah, just like submit a request basically.
Nicole:So I've got anti repression care packs, I've got prisoner family care packs, I've got care
Nicole:packs for hunt subs, care packs for grassroots groups, and also like a kind of sites of
Nicole:resistance care pack where people that are for example, living on like an occupation or some
Nicole:other site of resistance can kind of request like more medicine in bulk and like first aid
Nicole:kits, things like that.
Nicole:So yeah, please check out the website link for that.
Nicole:Yeah. And just.
Nicole:Yeah, they're mostly orientated towards people
Nicole:in like England, Wales and Scotland.
Nicole:But I am happy to post things abroad like if
Nicole:there can be a little bit of like collaboration with that, you know, like
Nicole:organizing punk post or fundraising for postage, stuff like that.
Nicole:Because it's like, it's a real challenge like posting things abroad with herbs.
Nicole:Yeah, scrolling down.
Nicole:So we've also got the prisoners herbal books.
Nicole:lished, if you don't know, in:Nicole:for free.
Nicole:There's various translated copies that are on the website, including in Spanish and Italian
Nicole:which are available as ebooks and also available as printed books in the, in the kind
Nicole:of various countries like in Mexico and Chile and in Italy and the Spanish state.
Nicole:So yeah, so the prisoner's Herbal is available.
Nicole:I put the form, like the webpage.
Nicole:The link to the form is on this webpage.
Nicole:So if you need to request a copy of the book, please like put the prisoner's details through
Nicole:that and we'll get, get it off in the post.
Nicole:We have had a few returns recently from some folks from the US so we will be getting back
Nicole:to you soon if that's one of your friends or family members.
Nicole:Unfortunately, other books available.
Nicole:So I've stopped like physically Posting books
Nicole:But I'm selling these books as kind of PDFs or
Nicole:ebooks and the website has got links to where you can buy physical copies if you prefer
Nicole:So, yeah, the books are available are the Prisoner's Herbal, like I just mentioned
Nicole:Overcoming Burnout, which is kind of a collection of writings from like, you know,
Nicole:like over a decade ago, nearly now, but all about, you know, like, collective care.
Nicole:And it's basically like a bunch of rants about the anarchist movement and a bunch of rants
Nicole:about collective care and ableism and patriarchy and all the things and repression
Nicole:and trauma and grief.
Nicole:And. Yeah, I've recently published that as a podcast and you're going to hear a little
Nicole:announcement about that soon.
Nicole:But I. Yeah, I spent some time recording the
Nicole:episodes to make them more accessible for people.
Nicole:And I've also added in some journal request journal prompts.
Nicole:Um, so, yeah, I'm hoping it's kind of like a useful, like, movement resource for folks.
Nicole:Other books.
Nicole:There's also medicinal herb coloring books.
Nicole:So I collaborated with my.
Nicole:One of my closest friends, Imani, who does
Nicole:like these amazing illustrations.
Nicole:So there's 50 beautiful plant illustrations
Nicole:and little paragraphs about that plant's like, medicinal qualities.
Nicole:Excuse me.
Nicole:You can download that as a PDF and print them
Nicole:We also send copies of that book to folks in
Nicole:prison as well.
Nicole:Excuse me.
Nicole:Yeah, and then the book, the Herbalism and State Violence Book.
Nicole:So this was the book that I published last year, which has got contributions from folks
Nicole:all around the world.
Nicole:was working on it since like:Nicole:It's kind of.
Nicole:Yeah. Bringing together examples of herbal
Nicole:solidarity in practice.
Nicole:It introduces various forms of state violence.
Nicole:And yeah, it's 444 pages and it's got loads of recipes in it.
Nicole:It's got plant profiles in it.
Nicole:Yeah, I'd like to think it's got shitloads of value for people.
Nicole:Like, if you're, like, remotely interested in like, kind of political herbalism stuff, you
Nicole:will love it.
Nicole:So, yeah, please check that out.
Nicole:That's available for £6 as an ebook.
Nicole:But again, like, no one's turned away for lack of funds, so just drop me an email if you want
Nicole:a free copy.
Nicole:Yeah, and then I've mentioned the podcast, the Overcoming Burner Podcast, and there's just
Nicole:like a couple of other little resources on my website.
Nicole:So there's a guide to making elderberry cough syrup and there's also a guide for herbal
Nicole:support for panic attacks that you can check out.
Nicole:In terms of other offerings that I do.
Nicole:So I'M I'm still not doing onetoone support.
Nicole:I mentioned it in the last podcast, but it's just so timec consuming and I just have two
Nicole:afternoons a week where my mom looks after my son and my partner is kind of in full time
Nicole:recovery land.
Nicole:So yeah, he, you know, he does his best around the house and stuff, but I just don't have
Nicole:like the quality time to like offer that kind of dedicated support to people individually,
Nicole:which I think when you're experiencing an illness you really need.
Nicole:So yeah, I'm not doing that for the time being and I'm hoping when Lee's kind of like 18
Nicole:months old or something I can, I can work on that more.
Nicole:Yeah, and I'm obviously unfortunately not going to Calais myself, but the project is
Nicole:The folks were there this month.
Nicole:So yeah, look out for the trip report on their kind of Instagram with the mobile Herbal
Nicole:Clinic Calais.
Nicole:So yeah, that's just like a little one stop
Nicole:shop of all the Solidarity Pothecary offerings this year.
Nicole:You may have heard in the plans episode there's like a bunch of stuff on Horizon as
Nicole:But yeah, these are the things that are kind
Nicole:of there.
Nicole:They're available.
Nicole:Please make use of them.
Nicole:And yeah, again, if you're interested in the Herbalism PTSD course, I would love to welcome
Nicole:you in.
Nicole:Yeah, please sign up for the waiting list and yeah, just check out all the links in the show
Nicole:Okay, thanks so much.
Nicole:Take care.
Nicole:Thanks so much for listening to the Frontline Herbalism podcast.
Nicole:You can find the transcript, the links, all the resources from the show at solidarity forward/podcast.