This episode shares what people have said about the Herbalism, PTSD and Traumatic Stress Course. Enrollment opens on Saturday 22nd March!
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- Herbalism, PTSD and Traumatic Stress Course –
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Music from Sole & DJ Pain – Battle of Humans | Plant illustrations by Amani | In solidarity, please subscribe, rate & review this podcast wherever you listen.
Welcome to the Frontline Herbalism Podcast with your host Nicole Rose from the
Nicole:Solidarity Apothecary.
Nicole:This is your place for all things plants and
Nicole:Let's get started.
Nicole:Welcome back to the Frontline Herbalism Podcast.
Nicole:I hope you have had a listen to the previous episodes where I have been ranting and raving
Nicole:about the herbalism PTSD and traumatic stress course.
Nicole:So if you haven't checked them out, I recorded a kind of episode all about the sliding scale
Nicole:and yeah how the solidarity places or like the free places work.
Nicole:I've also recorded a show all about the content, kind of in quite a lot of depth about
Nicole:how the course is structured, the sorts of materials you get,
Nicole:things like that and a little bit about the bonuses.
Nicole:So unfortunately you've missed the the waiting list bonus in the sense of potentially winning
Nicole:one of these amazing kind of packages of herbal medicines.
Nicole:But the first day bonus is still there and also the 10% discount code.
Nicole:So if you join the waiting list by Friday like before the course starts, then on Friday I'll
Nicole:email out a 10 off code that you can use if you are paying full price like you know,
Nicole:can save you a bunch of money.
Nicole:And yeah, for anyone who signs up on the first
Nicole:day you are entered into a kind of lottery and someone will win a free place on my practical
Nicole:medicine making course in June which is like a three day course all about how to make herbal
Nicole:Anyway, I won't talk about that now.
Nicole:I just, yeah, I've only got limited time while
Nicole:my mum looks after Lee and I wanted to share about what others have said about the course.
Nicole:I know testimonials can be kind of powerful to read.
Nicole:I also, you know, I'm one of those people that over researches everything so if I'm going to
Nicole:order anything online I will always look at reviews and stuff and like my partner's just
Nicole:like oh Nicole, just buy the thing.
Nicole:But yeah, I thought I would share some of the reviews which are on the course page and yeah
Nicole:and just kind of use them as an option as a way to talk about the course a little bit
Nicole:So yeah, you can see these, so you can see all of these online.
Nicole:But yeah, I thought I would start with an amazing human called Glena who came on,
Nicole:actually came on the practical medicine making course as well.
Nicole:She wrote highly recommend Learning from Nicole's Teaching.
Nicole:Learning from Solidarity Path Korea.
Nicole:Nicole's teaching style is so accessible and
Nicole:the curriculum she designs highlights the need for collective action against state violence
Nicole:and systemic issues whilst cultivating practices of self care.
Nicole:This Isn't another capitalist self care course centering individual wellness?
Nicole:This is proper embodied lead practice and real community care skills.
Nicole:Go check out Nicole's books and courses and support her work in prison, abolition and
Nicole:Making for refugees with a little rose.
Nicole:Oh, so thank you for that.
Nicole:And then another,
Nicole:more recent one Sophia wrote.
Nicole:Before this course I was dealing with a lot of shame about my activated symptoms and
Nicole:inability to function at a high level.
Nicole:I put a lot of responsibility on myself alone
Nicole:for how I was being affected by numerous systems of oppression within our society.
Nicole:I also felt as though I was drowning out of control in my body and unable to rely on
Nicole:anyone for support in times of grief or stress.
Nicole:It's been beyond helpful and healing to hear Nicole break down the contributors to these
Nicole:states of stress in an honest and non pathologizing way.
Nicole:I now feel like I understand myself and this world better.
Nicole:I feel so comforted that I can turn to herbs for gentle support at any time and I feel like
Nicole:I have someone on my side.
Nicole:I have been making many different teas and I'm
Nicole:learning how to make medicines gradually over time.
Nicole:Outside of emotional stuff, I'm a huge nerd and love geeking out and learning about all
Nicole:the different herbs and ways to make medicine.
Nicole:It's so cool.
Nicole:I'm so excited to share this knowledge with friends and loved ones and would highly
Nicole:recommend this course to anyone seeking knowledge and gentle support.
Nicole:So obviously I'm, you know, I'm sad that Sofia has said about how they're feeling.
Nicole:I'm just going to use they for everyone because I don't know people's pronouns, just
Nicole:But yeah, like this is one of the things that the course does is it can help give you this
Nicole:language and these tools to name how you're feeling and understand the sort of state that
Nicole:you're in.
Nicole:Like the kind of nervous system state.
Nicole:Okay, so T said.
Nicole:It's so clear how much thought has gone into
Nicole:this course.
Nicole:I knew it would be good, but it's exceeded my
Nicole:Nicole is not just incredibly knowledgeable,
Nicole:but has a passionate integrity which is really clear in the course.
Nicole:I really appreciate how accessible it is.
Nicole:As someone who fluctuates with energy, focus
Nicole:and stability.
Nicole:I can pick up where I left off or continue to
Nicole:revisit parts if I have a long gap.
Nicole:There is no pressure or time sensitive demand placed on me which I really value and helps me
Nicole:to learn.
Nicole:Thank you so much Nicole.
Nicole:I didn't realize like reading these out is going to like make me feel like,
Nicole:like you know, like you have to really learn to take compliments if that makes sense.
Nicole:Like it's an uncomfortable place.
Nicole:But yeah, I am committed to trying to, yeah, get as many as people as possible really doing
Nicole:this course because like I said, I really believe in it.
Nicole:But yeah,
Nicole:I like forgot that this would be a thing in this episode, if that makes sense.
Nicole:But yeah, like I mentioned before, like the course is like designed to be as stress free
Nicole:as possible, so you can pick it up and put it down.
Nicole:You know, you can spend a whole weekend like binging material and then you can not look at
Nicole:it for six months.
Nicole:And then when something happens that's or you
Nicole:need more support, you can revisit it.
Nicole:You know, like I just want it to be nourishing for you.
Nicole:Okay, so Michelle wrote.
Nicole:I'd been studying herbalism for quite a while
Nicole:when I came across Nicole's course, Herbalism, PTSD and Traumatic Stress.
Nicole:I can say without a doubt that she delivers a ton of helpful content and honestly can feel
Nicole:the energy she poured into creating this.
Nicole:I have learned a lot and with the many resources she provides, I know this
Nicole:information will be helpful to the clients I work with and myself.
Nicole:I highly recommend the Herbalism, PTSD and Traumatic Stress course to anyone wanting to
Nicole:explore this topic.
Nicole:Thank you.
Nicole:And then someone else called Nicole, same name
Nicole:snap, says this course is thorough.
Nicole:Not only does it contain a ton of plant
Nicole:profiles or nervines, I've also learned a ton about herbalism, PTSD and the nervous system
Nicole:in general.
Nicole:Or from an anti capitalist, anti colonialism perspective that acknowledges the trauma of
Nicole:both of these things and how we can heal from it.
Nicole:All right,
Nicole:so Peach wrote.
Nicole:I wanted to thank Nicole for this absolutely
Nicole:amazing course and space.
Nicole:I was first introduced to her work via a
Nicole:podcast with propaganda by the Seed and since have printed the Prisoner's Herbal.
Nicole:Listened to her podcast, done the glycerite course, and now the Herbalism, PTSD and
Nicole:Traumatic Stress course.
Nicole:Also, like yeah, please check out that
Nicole:It's awesome.
Nicole:What keeps me coming back is how much care and intention is put into each project she
Nicole:I was looking for a space to deep dive into
Nicole:herbalism without the toxicity of institutions or traditional learning spaces.
Nicole:Nicole provided exactly what I was looking for.
Nicole:I have filled a whole notebook with information and resources that I continuously
Nicole:come back to.
Nicole:I appreciate the balance of her being
Nicole:extremely detailed with the content while also always trying her best to keep every course as
Nicole:accessible and approachable as possible.
Nicole:I would recommend this course or any other one to any of my friends looking to engage with
Nicole:plants and how we can work with them.
Nicole:Thank you.
Nicole:So Carla said.
Nicole:I've been slowly working my way through the
Nicole:Herbalism for Trauma and PTSD course online and I'm so grateful for Nicole's approach and
Nicole:care of the topics, intersections and the real world context in which she teaches.
Nicole:I signed up for this to support myself and my community and also to learn and learn
Nicole:alongside my practice in soul herbalism.
Nicole:I have found the course so far to be
Nicole:validating, inspiring, accessible and grounded.
Nicole:I really appreciate how being able to read slides and listen to Nicole's explanations and
Nicole:how she shares examples while always giving wider context.
Nicole:Further reading and the disclaimer that there is no one answer to any of this work.
Nicole:Thank you so much for creating such a fierce and compassionate herbalism course.
Nicole:Thanks Carla, that's so sweet.
Nicole:Yeah, I hope this isn't boring to listen to, but I just want to just emphasize that people
Nicole:have got value from this course.
Nicole:They have been transformed by this course and
Nicole:I just hope it can also support you.
Nicole:So yeah, someone called Llewellyn,
Nicole:I'm sorry if I mispronounced your name wrong,
Nicole:has written as a trauma informed queer anarchist.
Nicole:One focus of my approach to botanical medicine is through trans healthcare and general mental
Nicole:health support for my communities.
Nicole:The herbalism, PTSD and traumatic stress
Nicole:course feels like it was handcrafted just for folks like me.
Nicole:I think it was, to be honest.
Nicole:Anyway, the course course's deep dive into the
Nicole:nature of trauma pulls from classic sources and new approaches emphasizing how trauma
Nicole:affects the body and the impact of state violence in its many forms.
Nicole:The suggested resources beyond the core class are incredible.
Nicole:There is a thorough yet not overwhelming exploration of the nervous system that is both
Nicole:ideal for new folks to anatomy and physiology and a wonderful refresher for those of us who
Nicole:need one.
Nicole:Nicole has a beautiful, uncompromising, relationship based approach to working with
Nicole:plants and people that I really resonate with.
Nicole:It's boundlessly refreshing to see radical
Nicole:vitalism expressed in such an accessible anarchist way.
Nicole:There is an invitation to do deep work here that feels like an essential part of self care
Nicole:slash community care that will continue to have a massive impact on me moving forward.
Nicole:that's like one of my favorite reviews.
Nicole:Yeah, I think because like yeah, I did just
Nicole:I just wanted to try and achieve all those
Nicole:things, you know, of like something that brought in the science but also brought in the
Nicole:politics that also brought in their sort of like witchy relationship animistic.
Nicole:You know, plants are alive.
Nicole:Like we build relationships, we Are plants
Nicole:element, you know, where there is this balance of like, self care and like attending to your
Nicole:own needs and not neglecting yourself, but also like always being focused outwards and,
Nicole:you know, caring for other people.
Nicole:And yeah, it's definitely like what I was.
Nicole:Trying to.
Nicole:Trying to achieve.
Nicole:Okay, so Ellie has written, I know like loads of Ellie's.
Nicole:There's like so many Ellie's booked on practical medicine course.
Nicole:There's like four people whose names begin with L. And I'm like, so just like severely
Nicole:I was just like, oh God, like, how is this gonna work?
Nicole:Anyway, so Ellie has written this course was so helpful to me both as someone studying
Nicole:herbalism and personally.
Nicole:Nicole has such a lovely, jargon free way of explaining things.
Nicole:There are some concepts of both herbalism and the way our bodies work that I have never been
Nicole:able to get to grips with before that were made clear to me with this course.
Nicole:I really appreciate the way Nicole takes time to acknowledge different people's experiences,
Nicole:include trigger warnings and acknowledgements when speaking on herbs that don't come from
Nicole:her lineage, which can be really rare in the herbalism world.
Nicole:I really recommend this course to anyone working with patients in any holistic therapy
Nicole:role, as well as anyone looking for ways to support themselves with their own trauma.
Nicole:Thank you, Ellie.
Nicole:Okay. And then, yeah,
Nicole:someone called Lex shared that this course has been really important and empowering for me.
Nicole:Learning about trauma and how to work with nervines had changed a lot in how I understand
Nicole:myself and the people around me on a daily basis.
Nicole:It's a journey that has already brought me so much as a person with adhd.
Nicole:This worked perfect for me.
Nicole:Being able to choose my own moments to learn
Nicole:while knowing I can always send an email if something is unclear.
Nicole:I would recommend this course and, you know, like, I would kind of, I guess, identify as
Nicole:like, neurotypical.
Nicole:I mean, I am dyslexic, but yeah, like, I have
Nicole:tried to like, design something that is accessible in terms of like, neurodiversity.
Nicole:And you know, my partner has ADHD and like, yeah, for him, like, being able to like, go
Nicole:with the flow, right? Go with the focus, go with the interests.
Nicole:Like, oh, I'm really interested in this thing.
Nicole:I'll just dive really deep into that versus, like, you have to do this by this rigid
Nicole:timetable and conform and like, that's why I've tried to create something that's like,
Nicole:very spacious for people so that they can like, skip around and like, follow their kind
Nicole:of deeper interest.
Nicole:I Am thinking of updating the course though with things on plants about them being
Nicole:different for people with different neurodiversity.
Nicole:I mean, I emphasize that all plants are different for everyone, like regardless.
Nicole:But yeah, I've been having some interesting like Instagram conversations about nervines
Nicole:and how some relaxants are stimulating for people with adhd, for example.
Nicole:And oh yeah, I was talking about maybe doing like some sort of survey.
Nicole:So like if you, yeah.
Nicole:Are a herbalist and you're interested in that,
Nicole:like let me know and maybe we could collaborate because yeah, I'm very fascinated
Nicole:with how plants work differently for everyone.
Nicole:Joannie, sorry if I've mispronounced your name.
Nicole:Said there are courses you know you need to take and this is one of those.
Nicole:As someone with PTSD and someone who looks to help people move through pain, I found this
Nicole:course invaluable.
Nicole:It has given me new ways to explore my herbie friends.
Nicole:And Sophie wrote the herbalism and PTSD course has been a really eye opening experience for
Nicole:Until I started this course, I didn't
Nicole:understand how most of the course I'd read centered such a western perspective on trauma
Nicole:and how problematic this is.
Nicole:It has also been a vital resource for helping me understand the relationship between
Nicole:colonialism and psychiatry and how current healing modalities do not serve working class
Nicole:people and anti capitalist struggles.
Nicole:The way she approaches the herbalist aspects of the course and her wider work is inspiring
Nicole:and respectful of plants themselves and the environments they are part of.
Nicole:Since starting this course, I have developed a deeper relationship with plants and my local
Nicole:I've begun making my own medicine and using
Nicole:them as ways of supporting my own health and well being and my friends.
Nicole:I love that this course has an individual self care aspect to it and offers this as a
Nicole:framework with which to approach herbalism.
Nicole:I have found other courses to be out of my
Nicole:price range, but the fact that Nicole offers this course at such a reduced rate is.
Nicole:Is a gift.
Nicole:I would encourage anyone who is interested in
Nicole:herbalism and trauma to do this course.
Nicole:It's been an inspiring and informative
Nicole:introduction for me.
Nicole:Thank you Nicole.
Nicole:And yeah, whenever anyone writes that they've like developed a deeper relationship with
Nicole:plants, like I literally just want to cry because like that's all I want.
Nicole:Like I just want people to fall in love with herbs, you know.
Nicole:Okay. Malcolm, who is an amazing human based in so called Australia and a lovely supporter,
Nicole:I get lots of nice supportive emails from him, has written.
Nicole:I'm finding the course both fascinating and confronting.
Nicole:It's Perfect.
Nicole:Thanks for putting together such an epic piece
Nicole:of herbal teaching.
Nicole:And then Larissa wrote, I'm only partway through this course, but so far, it's been
Nicole:I appreciate how Nicole has pulled together
Nicole:the information on how trauma affects our bodies and the emphasis she places on how we
Nicole:can do something to help ourselves instead of merely being trapped in the disaster that's
Nicole:left behind.
Nicole:Her suggestions of how to connect with plants are inspiring.
Nicole:Yeah, and I think maybe that is a difference with my course.
Nicole:It's like.
Nicole:It is very like, diy.
Nicole:Like, you know, learn this, get stuck in, put this into practice, experiment with yourself.
Nicole:Like, you know, find your own plants, your own crew kind of thing.
Nicole:And, like, yeah, like, I think a lot of herbalism training can be, like, quite
Nicole:Prescriptive of, like, it's my way or the
Nicole:highway kind of thing.
Nicole:Or, oh, you're not ready for that.
Nicole:You haven't studied this, this, and this
Nicole:You can do that kind of thing.
Nicole:And, like, yeah, like, I think I'm trying to create something, like, much more liberating,
Nicole:if that makes sense.
Nicole:Okay. So ISIS said,
Nicole:I signed up for this course because I work with people who are unhoused, under housed, or
Nicole:in vulnerable situations.
Nicole:And I couldn't find any information on how to
Nicole:approach care from a herbalist perspective.
Nicole:I have been following Nicole's works for years.
Nicole:She is my go to for anything relating to plant medicine.
Nicole:Her years of experience and intersectional approach make her perspective very unique.
Nicole:The language is always very accessible, and I appreciate the ability to take her courses at
Nicole:my own pace.
Nicole:I would highly recommend this course for
Nicole:anyone interested in community care, intersectionality, and herbalism.
Nicole:I learned so much from every sentence Nicole writes.
Nicole:Oh, my God.
Nicole:That is so sweet.
Nicole:Thank you.
Nicole:I'm just really aware that there is just,
Nicole:like, literally loads of testimonials on this page.
Nicole:I'm just not sure if I can actually read.
Nicole:Read them all out.
Nicole:Yeah, maybe.
Nicole:Maybe I will pick and choose.
Nicole:Yeah, you know what? For accessibility purposes, I'm gonna keep
Nicole:reading them.
Nicole:But if you are like, yeah, I hear what you're
Nicole:I've heard enough testimonials.
Nicole:I just want to emphasize now that the course is open this Saturday, the of March.
Nicole:Please join the email list.
Nicole:Like, you can find the link to it in the show
Nicole:That means it's literally just an email list,
Nicole:the waiting list.
Nicole:So I'll be able to, like, contact you
Nicole:consistently while the course is open, remind you when it's closing, which lots of people
Nicole:because you know, life is really busy.
Nicole:So yeah, please check out the course page.
Nicole:You'll find these testimonials like written as text.
Nicole:And yeah, I'm just gonna.
Nicole:I'm just gonna continue like reading through
Nicole:these because I think it is nice for people that can read giant bits of text, if that
Nicole:makes sense.
Nicole:So yeah.
Nicole:So the next one is from Emily.
Nicole:They wrote, the Herbalism and PTSD course has really broadened and deepened my knowledge of
Nicole:herbs and herbalism.
Nicole:I was only anticipating to learn about
Nicole:specific herbs that help with trauma, but Nicole goes far beyond just that, sharing tons
Nicole:of knowledge such as about how herbs interact with bodies differently through tissue states
Nicole:and much more.
Nicole:If, like me, you've dabbled in making tinctures for yourself but want to go deeper
Nicole:in a thorough, comprehensive but manageable way, this is great course to do that.
Nicole:Thank you.
Nicole:Emily and Andrea wrote, I enrolled in the course from Solary Apothecary and have been
Nicole:absolutely blown away by this course.
Nicole:As a herbalist who themselves has CPC PTSD
Nicole:that's complex post Traumatic stress disorder, I found the contact content to not only be
Nicole:invaluable as a clinician, but also has been incredibly medicinal personally as well.
Nicole:Nicole has put together the information in such a conscientious way with clear content
Nicole:warnings and then so graciously and gently handles some of the most difficult subjects we
Nicole:face as humans with honesty, awareness and compassion.
Nicole:I have deeply appreciated her consistent decentering and challenging of the traditional
Nicole:western perspectives that have been so loud and persistent in the mental health and
Nicole:wellness field.
Nicole:The content is well researched with meticulous attention paid to citing and crediting
Nicole:I love the variety of perspectives offered from both their personal experiences and then
Nicole:the thoughts and voices of folks I've not yet had the privilege to know.
Nicole:I am also the biggest fan of sliding scale structures and I found this course be one of
Nicole:the most accessible.
Nicole:I have taken from pricing the graphics right
Nicole:down to Nicole describing the memes and images used and offerings and offering places to
Nicole:break and catch one's breath.
Nicole:I am very grateful to have stumbled upon Solidarity apothecary in this course.
Nicole:Keep up the great work, Nicole.
Nicole:It is so desperately needed in the world.
Nicole:Thank you for being here.
Nicole:Thank you for joining the course.
Nicole:Okay. Alora has written I am admittedly not all the way through it, but so far I love this
Nicole:It is very extensive and thorough and looks at
Nicole:trauma from a different perspective.
Nicole:I have taken a few trauma informed classes, but most just focus on individual trauma.
Nicole:I like how this class touches on shared Traumas or collective traumas.
Nicole:Looking at it from that lens is important.
Nicole:And eye opening to the trauma some of my clients might experience.
Nicole:And even trauma I didn't realize I shared.
Nicole:I am so happy I signed up and I know I will be
Nicole:using this information for years to come.
Nicole:Thank you.
Nicole:Okay, so Lucy wrote, I signed up for the course because I had been let down so many
Nicole:times by mental health services in my area, and I wanted to take control of my quote
Nicole:unquote recovery.
Nicole:I'm really sorry to hear that.
Nicole:What's amazing about the course is that you
Nicole:can do it in your own time.
Nicole:I was able to put it down when I had a period
Nicole:of very bad mental health and pick it back up again when I was ready.
Nicole:The course has also helped me get a better understanding of political and societal
Nicole:Feed into and interact with trauma.
Nicole:It's helped me feel more connected to the
Nicole:world around me and given me purpose as I have started engaging deeper with abolitionist
Nicole:Herbalism is something I grew up with, but have never had.
Nicole:But I never explored the intricacies of it.
Nicole:It Science was never my strong suit.
Nicole:But the course makes complex topics really easy to understand.
Nicole:My new plant knowledge has helped me feel closer to the land and the plants that grow
Nicole:around me.
Nicole:I have made a Hawthorne tincture using
Nicole:directions from the course.
Nicole:And it really helps me when I'm feeling anxious.
Nicole:It is so empowering to be able to make medicine for myself and for it to work.
Nicole:I feel like I have finally have control over my body and I have the power to help myself
Nicole:rather than having to rely on others.
Nicole:I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn more about
Nicole:who wants to learn more about how herbalism can support you if you've experienced trauma.
Nicole:But also for anyone who wants to understand how society in the so called west wasn't built
Nicole:to benefit traumatized people.
Nicole:Okay, I think that might have just finished me off.
Nicole:Thank you so much for sharing that, Lucy.
Nicole:And I'm so grateful that like,
Nicole:yeah, this feeling of like, being able to, like, help yourself has is there because I
Nicole:yeah, that's what's so, so kind of dehumanizing and humiliating.
Nicole:Right? About trauma and PTSD and stuff.
Nicole:Is that like you feel so powerless, like you don't feel like you can change it, change how
Nicole:you're feeling and that you have to like, interact with like, a lot of like, quote
Nicole:unquote professionals who make you feel like.
Nicole:Who make you feel small, who make you feel stupid, like you can't cope with the world.
Nicole:So yeah, it's just really.
Nicole:Yeah, herbs have really helped me in that
Nicole:respect and I just love that they can do that for other people.
Nicole:I'm just gonna take a little pause and then I
Nicole:will read the rest of them.
Nicole:All right.
Nicole:So Aquino said and sorry if I've mispronounced
Nicole:your name wrong.
Nicole:I survived trauma in:Nicole:I was 17 and grew up in a conservative region
Nicole:in Germany.
Nicole:I didn't have access to therapy around 10
Nicole:years later.
Nicole:I had some years of therapy but the person was
Nicole:not trauma informed.
Nicole:I connected with some anti psychiatry people but I found it too short sighted to just say
Nicole:abolish psychiatry as it saved my life twice.
Nicole:I really liked your course because it helped
Nicole:me to get a progressive and validating perspective on trauma and quote unquote post
Nicole:traumatic stress that has helped me shift my view in helpful ways.
Nicole:Also, I love the vast amount of resources.
Nicole:I also like the practical connection with
Nicole:herbs and herbalism.
Nicole:Unfortunately in Germany all things herbalists have to be scanned thoroughly for right wing
Nicole:esoteric connections.
Nicole:I was so glad to find a source of progressive
Nicole:ideas on plants and herbalism.
Nicole:I really like that you have put much effort into making stuff accessible like having
Nicole:video, audio, transcript, etc. I also laughed about your readings of the contents of single
Nicole:It added some humor because you were also laughing about yourself.
Nicole:English is my second language so I couldn't do it any better and don't know the quote unquote
Nicole:correct pronunciation.
Nicole:Anyway, I also learned a lot about the prison industry which is not something I knew about
Nicole:Knew a lot about before.
Nicole:So basically like I read the herbal constituents out right and like they're just
Nicole:like gobbledygook to my brain.
Nicole:And I have heard herbal teachers obviously talk about them.
Nicole:I've heard them in podcasts, but I still can't pronounce them for so the lot of the first
Nicole:beginning of the profiles is just me laughing at myself and apologizing.
Nicole:So yeah, that's the thing.
Nicole:Okay, so JK wrote being part of the herbalism
Nicole:PTSD and Traumatic stress course was incredibly empowering and inspiring for me.
Nicole:It helped give me confidence and motivation to make remedies for my own day to day and night
Nicole:I cannot recommend the course enough for those new or experienced, giving students a positive
Nicole:rooting in the political framing of stress and trauma.
Nicole:Thank you so much for making this course accessible for learning and also financially.
Nicole:Yay. All right.
Nicole:And then I have quite a nice long testimonial
Nicole:here from someone called Sol So they wrote.
Nicole:First of all, thank you for this course.
Nicole:It profoundly inspired me.
Nicole:I had quite some knowledge of herbalism that I've acquired through other courses and mostly
Nicole:on the field while living in zads and rural squats.
Nicole:That's like a land occupation.
Nicole:I struggle.
Nicole:I struggled a lot in the past to bring a
Nicole:political dimension into the world of herbal medicine.
Nicole:As everywhere around me, this practice seemed to be associated with white middle class
Nicole:people or new age tendencies which I cannot stand.
Nicole:Through your course I finally acquired some tools to better argue that herbalism is
Nicole:political and that plants can be badass can be political badass allies for what concern the
Nicole:part more specifically linked with trauma, PTSD and its manifestations in the body.
Nicole:I have to say that I learned tons.
Nicole:I've never had courses about such topics even
Nicole:though I am quite familiar with them through personal experience.
Nicole:As I evolve in queer, anarchist, anti psychiatrist places where trauma is very
Nicole:present, it still felt a bit of a superficial like the tip of the iceberg.
Nicole:Perhaps I would have appreciated more space given to childhood trauma and to more complex
Nicole:trauma dynamics as these are so present around me, but overall it was a great introduction on
Nicole:the subject.
Nicole:The second part, talking more in depth about herbalism, was also a very nice introduction.
Nicole:I love the DIY vibe as I think it gives power back to people and so yeah, if you wanted to
Nicole:make a tincture you can just fill a jar with plants and cover it with alcohol.
Nicole:I love that most of the plants you mentioned grow wildly in Western Europe where your
Nicole:lineages are from.
Nicole:This said, quite some plants don't grow wildly
Nicole:there, so it was a bit frustrating to learn in depth about plants when you don't have the
Nicole:privilege to grow them or buy them.
Nicole:I think I would have stuck to wild plants only.
Nicole:Maybe a bit more space could have been given to the appropriate doses for each plant in all
Nicole:its possible forms.
Nicole:Another tiny note is about the fact that the glycerin we buy is produced by a deadly
Nicole:industrial complex.
Nicole:This is something people should be aware of,
Nicole:however it is possible to make your own glycerin.
Nicole:I would have loved a small explanation about this or at least a link.
Nicole:Perhaps you mention it in your other course about glycerin medicine, but I have not taken
Nicole:Thanks for all their critiques.
Nicole:I adored this course and encourage everyone
Nicole:who is touched and or interested by these subjects to take it.
Nicole:I honestly was sad when the course ended and it inspired me to know even more.
Nicole:Thank you infinitely for having shared your knowledge and experience.
Nicole:It inspired me to do the Same love and anarchism.
Nicole:So yeah, like that is something I explore in
Nicole:the Making Herbal Medicine with Glycerin course.
Nicole:I talk about the how glycerin is produced in a kind of like industrial scale and a small
Nicole:scale and how people can make their own glycerin.
Nicole:Just side plug.
Nicole:I can actually hear my baby crying.
Nicole:So I'm gonna go again and then come back and record more of these.
Nicole:Thanks so much for listening thing.
Nicole:I am so sorry I got completely sidetracked
Nicole:with the baby.
Nicole:Yeah, long story, teething is a thing and it's painful and he just wants his mum, so that's
Nicole:But yeah, I think I'm gonna have to call it a
Nicole:day, sadly on this episode.
Nicole:But you can find all of the testimonials on the course page.
Nicole:You can read what other people have, you know, their experiences of their course and
Nicole:hopefully that will encourage you and influence you to feel like maybe it's
Nicole:something that might be right for you and where you're at right now.
Nicole:Yeah. Check out a link in the show notes like I mentioned at the beginning of the episode.
Nicole:Please join the waiting list if you can.
Nicole:So I've got your email so I can keep reminding
Nicole:you about the course until I close it again.
Nicole:And yeah, just thanks so much for giving me your time today.
Nicole:Really, really, really excited to start doing more episodes with like higher quality kind of
Nicole:herbal content, if that makes sense.
Nicole:We just visited a nursery this week.
Nicole:So yeah, I'm gonna be getting more sort of
Nicole:consistent like opportunities to work come sort of September.
Nicole:So yeah, just kind of hold out till then and do my best.
Nicole:And I know people that are listening that have babies, like completely understand.
Nicole:But yeah, I am, I am still here.
Nicole:I'm trying really hard with the apothecary to
Nicole:keep it going.
Nicole:And yeah, thankfully this course is really hands off so people can kind of just crack on
Nicole:with it without my kind of input, if that makes sense.
Nicole:And I'm still posting out care packages.
Nicole:Volunteers are still sending the prisoners
Nicole:herbals books.
Nicole:I've got loads of plans for the future.
Nicole:So yeah, thank you so much for your future.
Nicole:For your future.
Nicole:Thank you so much for your time and yeah, please check out the course.
Nicole:Okay, take care, Bye.
Nicole:Thanks so much for listening to the Frontline
Nicole:Herbalism podcast.
Nicole:You can find the transcript, the links, all the resources from the podcast.