I am so happy to announce a short tour in Ireland this March! Organised by friends in the Incarcerated Workers Organising Committee and IWW Ireland, we will explore ideas around anarchism, burnout and collective care:
How can we collectively care for each other better? How can we prevent burnout? What mutual aid models can we create to support people with chronic illnesses? What is the role of grassroots herbalism in building health autonomy?
This workshop will explore all these issues and more plus some practical herb tasting!
Copies of the Prisoner’s Herbal and Overcoming Burnout will be available, as well as some Herbalism = Mutual Aid merch!
If you live in Ireland, please share!!
Dates and locations
Cork: Friday 6 March, Boole Basement Theatre 2, UCC main campus, Cork 1900-2030
Cloughjordan: Saturday 7 March, Sheelagh na Gig bookshop, Main St. Cloughjordan, Tipperary 1900-2030
Dublin: Sunday 8 March, Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square W, Rotunda, Dublin 1, 1900-2030
Event links
Cloughjordan: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/94361097583
Dublin event cancelled :( – Solidarity Apothecary
6th March 2020 at 12:50 pm[…] is with a heavy heart that I have had to cancel the Dublin event as part of the Anarchism & Care tour this […]