I feel very honoured to be invited to Italy by comrades there who have translated the Prisoner’s Herbal book into Italian!!! It means the world to me to have their support and to connect with people who recognise that herbalism can be an act of political resistance.
I will be doing a short tour of Italy. More info TBC!
Sunday 18th June: Vado, Bologna
On Sunday, I will be at Erbacce Fest – an amazing DIY herbalism festival. We will have a practical workshop about making herbal medicine with glycerine and in the evening will make a presentation about The Prisoner’s Herbal and work of the Solidarity Apothecary.
Learn more at: @CastelloPirata on instagram – https://www.instagram.com/castellopiratavado/ (yes it’s literally a pirate castle, wahoo!)

Tuesday 20th June: Rome
On Tuesday we will be heading to Rome for a talk and discussion about The Prisoner’s Herbal. It’s a presentation at OPSI, a queer, feminist & transfeminist squat in the city.
Learn more at: https://opsfemminista.noblogs.org/post/2023/06/12/erbario-anticarcerario/

Wednesday 21st June: Milan
On Wednesday we will head to Milan for a prresentation at Villa Occupata!
Learn more at: https://www.villaoccupata.org/events/presentazione-di-prisoners-herbal/
The text reads (rough translation): A story of how, even in the isolation and alienation of prison, it is possible to reconnect with the wild and take care of yourself. A manual for this experience to become a seed that sprouts through the cracks of the repressive system, a cure for other prisoners.

Thursday 22nd June: Susa Valley
We will head to the Susa Valley. This area has been a hotbed of struggle against the TAV (Treno ad Alta Velocità i.e. HSR, High-Speed Rail for decades. It is also a ‘border hotspot’ with active solidarity for refugees and people on the move.
The workshop will explore herbalism as a tool of resilience in movements and struggles against borders and other forms of domination.
The text reads (rough translation): Herbal medicine as a practice of resistance and solidarity in the struggle against borders, wars and and as a tool of resilience in movements.
Friday 23rd June: Turin
On Friday evening, there will be a talk in Turin more focused on anti-prison struggles, as well as a presentation about the Prisoner’s Herbal book.

Extreme gratitude to everyone who has organised the tour and for everyone who makes it to an event!