Spiritual Herbalist & Apprentice, Reiki & Akashic Record Practitioner, and mystic being who loves the wonders of our infinite universe! I have been able to cultivate my gifts with the loving energy from my ancestors and teachers which merged into the being that is me and then led to the creation of MysticFairie Apothecary. MysticFairie Apothecary is its own paradigm of consciousness in this earthly realm to help raise the vibration of internal & external love & guide those who are reawakening as earths children! My purpose is to help align you with your daily journey while striving to accomplish a deeper understanding of our existence by bringing light to our darkness and flow to all things stuck or disinherited through spiritual herbalism, intuitive energy healing, astrology, tarot, & akashic record readings

Able to drop off products or schedule with people for pick up.

  • Lei Reap (she/her)
  • Newark, New Jersey, Tri State Area, New York, US

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