Blog Events & Courses Trauma Recovery

Herbal Support for Trauma Workshop with SLEEC

I’m so excited to be offering this workshop with SLEEC in March!

When: 9th March 10.30am – 11.45am UK time

ONLINE workshop

The Workshop: Herbal Support for Trauma

Workshop description:

This workshop dives into understanding the nervous system and how it is affected by trauma.

We will look at different nervous system states, their links with chronic illness, as well as herbal support that can help shift these states.

We will introduce nervines – plant medicines with an affinity for the nervous system and their actions on the body, as well as what this looks like in practice in terms of day-to-day. Takeaway medicine making handouts including how to make heavenly infused lavender oil.

The Facilitator: Nicole Rose (She/Her)

Nicole Rose (she/her) is an anarchist organiser and herbalist based in England who supports people experiencing state violence with herbalism. She is the author of The Prisoner’s Herbal that has been distributed to prisoners worldwide, as well as Overcoming Burnout, the Medicinal Herb Colouring Book and Herbalism and State Violence. She’s been supporting loved ones in prison for 20 years and founded the Solidarity Apothecary, a project supplying free plant medicines to people experiencing and recovering from state violence and repression. She is also a survivor of sexual violence Find more info about her work here:

Who is it for?

This space is for all genders – those who have experienced sexual assault/abuse, rape, or sexual trauma, regardless of how major or minor you feel your experience to be.

Who are we?

School of Care, Liberation & Disruption:

SOCLD is a space to heal, liberate and disrupt through learning, knowledge shares, care and action. Many in our community have found traditional healing support, education and mobolizing spaces to be inaccessible, unaffordable, exclusive and catered to one small demographic. SOCLD is a space for and by those with lived experience of oppression and violence. We seek to find better ways for liberatory recovery, action and collective care.

(A new project run by SLEEC).

SLEECis a survivor led organisation that changes conversations, supports survivors and tackles the roots of male violence. (

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