It was so moving to be contacted by Sean Roy Parker from Fermental Health who offered to organise a fundraiser for the Solidarity Apothecary! Funds from the fundraiser will be used to pay for a US print run of the Prisoner’s Herbal book to send to people incarcerated in prisons in the United States.
Limited Edition Artwork
Organic grain alcohol tincture and ex-industry amber glass dropper in a hand-made wheat amphora
PLUS instructional drawings and seeds for sowing
Edition of 30, two combinations
Hedge & heart
Carpark herbal v2
Sliding-scale donations
£35 £50 £65
100% profits after materials costs go to Solidarity Apothecary
10 editions will be donated to herbalists-in-training
Fermental Health is an ongoing project by artist, environmentalist and cook Sean Roy Parker exploring the use of wild abundance and urban surplus in recipes, ferments and herbal remedies. Combining an amateur enthusiasm for foraging & scavenging with his activism for food justice and decommodification, Parker promotes the benefits of diet diversity and increased access to traditional knowledge and skills. Fermental Health documents a dynamic collaboration between human and non-human bodies (plants, yeasts, bacteria).
For this unique collaboration Lewis Prosser, a member of the Strawcrafters’ Guild, has created woven sheaths using heritage wheat from his home in the Vale of Glamorgan. The sheaths are made by braiding 6 strands of thatching wheat into a miniature amphora shape. The technique of weaving wheat is a working-class craft which originated in pre-Christian Britain, a time when a successful harvest was determined by the whims of spirits. The glass bottles are sourced from industry surplus, and the leather lace is made using scraps from a local sofa manufacturer.
Hedge & heart
Tower Hamlets black rosehip, balcony-grown basil, 80 proof organic London vodka
30ml amber glass dropper
Handmade wheat amphora
How-to guides
Maris Widgeon wheatseeds (for planting in November)
Edition of 15
Consuming rosehips may boost heart health by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, while rosehip oil may aid wound healing. Traditionally, it’s thought that rosehips’ robust antioxidant, vitamin C, and fatty acid profile all contribute to protect and replenish your skin barrier.
Basil is not only a popular folk remedy for ailments like nausea and bug bites but also widely utilized in traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and other holistic medicine systems. It is used to reduce memory loss associated with stress and aging, and reduce depression related to chronic stress.
Carpark herbal v2
Southwark juniper, mugwort and nettleseed, 80 proof organic London vodka
30ml amber glass dropper
Handmade wheat amphora with leather lace
How-to guides
Maris Widgeon wheatseeds (for planting in November)
Edition of 15
Extracts of juniper have been experimentally documented to have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activities. It can also be a potential alternative treatment for Parkinson, Alzheimer and other chronic neurological disorders.
Mugwort is known as a bitter digestive that can relieve stomach acidity, dyspepsia, travel sickness and acute bowel and stomach pain.
Nettleseeds contain essential fatty acids Omega 3 oils and are used by herbalists to support kidney and adrenal function, or sometimes as a boost when over-worked adrenals impacts on energy levels.
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Unscrew lid and squeeze the dropper.
Release a few drops under the tongue 2-3 times a day.
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