Blog Call-outs for Solidarity Prisoners Herbalism Collective

Solidarity Pre-order – La Herbolaria de lxs Presxs, Edición Abya Yala!

We are selling 100 copies of the recently translated Prisoner’s Herbal book La Herbolaria de lxs Presxs to help cover the initial costs of printing 1000 copies for incarcerated people across Abya Yala (the name in Guna for the so-called Americas, used by millions of Indigenous peoples across these continents) and the so-called United States. You can read everything you need to know about the book here:

For a limited time, it is available to order online for people across Abya Yala and the so-called United States for $20USD (including postage), further donations welcome!

Pre-orders end on the 21st October. Only 100 books available. Books will be posted out the last week of October.

Click here to order your copy:

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