Blog Call-outs for Solidarity

The Mobile Herbal Clinic Calais needs your support!

For folks who have followed me or the Solidarity Apothecary for a long time, you will know that the Mobile Herbal Clinc in Calais means the absolute world to me.

This winter we lost our main funder and were unsuccessful for a handful of grants. It’s felt like a row of horrible dominos falling down and I’m just praying we can raise enough to keep us going the next few months while we fundraise. 

If you’ve been following me on here, you’ve seen post after post about the conditions in Calais and Dunkirk. The horrendous conditions and oppression that people are subjected to, and the solidarity and defiance to keep going. 

Our Mobile Herbal Clinic takes place the first week of each month in Calais and Dunkirk. The clinic offers preventative medicine, self-care support, first aid and healthcare access support to hundreds of refugees and undocumented migrants living in the region.

I crunched our clinical data for the crowdfunder and since 2019, we’ve supported more than 10,000 people. We made and distributed 6,000 medicines at the beginning of the pandemic and sustained our presence there throughout despite all the challenges. 

I know people in the region value it more than most of us could understand unless we’ve lived through the border regime. Please help us keep it going. 

Every donation helps!!! Please share!!!!

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